Tell Governor Parson to Veto Unfair Tax Credit
In the closing days of the legislative session, the Missouri General Assembly rushed through an ill-conceived tax credit proposal that costs $500 million and leaves out the very Missourians who need it most, like families earning low wages and seniors who rely on Social Security income.
Further, the legislation was created to give folks who make $150,000 a much larger benefit than those making $30,000 - even though families earning less often pay a higher proportion of their incomes in taxes than their wealthier counterparts.
The tax credit created as part of House Bill 2090 leaves out more than one in three Missouri taxpayers.
Those Missourians who are eligible for a rebate will likely be disappointed to see rebates far below the widely touted $500 for individuals and $1000 for married couples.
Governor Parson has been open about his concerns about the bill. Please ask him to veto the measure by taking action below.
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